8 Delicious Granola Recipes That Are Surprisingly Easy To Make (2024)

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mbg Nutrition & Health Writer

By Eliza Sullivan

mbg Nutrition & Health Writer

Eliza Sullivan is a food writer and SEO editor at mindbodygreen. She writes about food, recipes, and nutrition—among other things. She studied journalism at Boston University.

8 Delicious Granola Recipes That Are Surprisingly Easy To Make (3)

Image by Daxiao Productions / Stocksy

December 03, 2020

When you think of meal prep, breakfast probably isn't the meal that springs to mind. After all, it's easy enough to make up a quick smoothie or a bowl of healthy cereal—but if you've been looking for a way to bring a little something special to your morning routine, a homemade granola may be just the thing.

The best part of DIY-ing this staple is that you can adapt it to your favorite flavors—including nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruits, sweeteners, and more. But if it's direction you're after, I've got good news: We've got some A+ granola recipes to get you started.

If you happen to like the look of a recipe but are missing ingredients, that's OK! Granola is by no means an exact science: You can swap and replace ingredients as you have (or like) them.


Banana Coconut Granola

This sugar-free recipe is a great way to use up some past-their-prime bananas without making another loaf of banana bread. The blend of banana with coconut is a treat, especially with a touch of cinnamon and sea salt to accent the flavors. The bulk of the mix is finished with oats and pumpkin seeds.


Mango, Orange & Goji Granola

For a superfood-y take on granola, try this summery-flavored recipe with goji berries. These small red berries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants—not to mention the mango and orange added to this mix for even more nutrients. The mix also includes walnuts, cashews, and almonds along with pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds.


Chunky Paleo Granola

This nutty granola skips the grains to adhere to a paleo-friendly breakfast model. It's made up of a mix of the usual suspects: almonds, walnuts, and cashews, though oats are noticeably missing because, again, grain-free! It swaps in chia seeds and a bit of almond butter to help thicken the mixture. If you're feeling ambitious, you can opt to make all three ingredients for these vegan-paleo breakfast bowls yourself.


Apple Pie Granola

Tap into the flavors of fall with this breakfast-y ode to a dessert favorite—but don't let that trick you into thinking this recipe isn't healthy. Sweetened with dates, mixed with dried apple and raisins, and full of healthy fats (thanks in part to a dose of tahini in the mix), it'll also set you up to stay full until lunch.


Autumn Squash Seed Granola

This is a way better use of squash seeds than tossing them in your compost. This granola recipe also uses tahini in the mixture, along with maple syrup—and you'll save money on the nuts and seeds by using ones you have anyway. It's a much more simple recipe than some of the others on this list (only nine ingredients where others have over a dozen), and it can be made with whatever squash seeds and dried fruit you have on hand.


Turmeric, Apricot & Pistachio Granola

This flavorful recipe has a lot going on, but it all works so well together (trust us). Once again using the pairing of maple syrup and tahini to bind the mix together, it's spiced with turmeric, of course, but also cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice. It also adds sesame seeds to the mix, to highlight the tahini flavor, and a small amount of vanilla extract to heighten the sweetness.


Grain-Free Breakfast Granola

Another grain-free take on a traditionally very oat-y breakfast item, this recipe adds a bit of orange zest for brightness and splits the sweetener between honey and maple syrup, so it's not overwhelmingly maple-flavored. It also calls for a more unique mix of dried fruits and nuts: With plums, cherries, cranberries, or apricots and almonds, hazelnuts, and macadamia nuts, it'll certainly be flavorful.


Six-Minute Superfood Granola

If we haven't yet convinced you to try making your own granola instead of buying it, let this serve as a final attempt: This six-minute recipe is so easy, you could even make it from scratch on a busy Monday morning (though, truly, all these recipes are that simple). It uses quinoa for plant-based protein in addition to the nuts and adds in goji berries and cacao nibs for flavors with benefits.

Starting your day with a bowl of granola, paired with your favorite yogurt or milk, is a great way to make sure you're getting your nutrients—but keep in mind this might not be the best option if you're breaking a fast during intermittent fasting.

8 Delicious Granola Recipes That Are Surprisingly Easy To Make (2024)


What was the downside to granola as a food? ›

Granola may prompt weight gain if eaten in excess, as it can be high in calories from added fats and sugars. What's more, sugar is linked to chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Why are homemade granola not crunchy? ›

Baking time: Increase the baking time for your granola. The longer you bake it, the drier and crunchier it will become. Keep a close eye on it to avoid burning, and stir it occasionally during baking to ensure even toasting.

Is it worth making your own granola? ›

Is Homemade Granola Cheaper? Initially, you'll have to spend more money on homemade granola than store-bought. However, over the long run (depending on your recipe) you'll most likely spend less on making your own granola.

How do you make granola taste better? ›

Granola with Fruit

Granola makes a delicious addition to a variety of fresh fruit, from bananas and apples to peaches and berries. Option 2 Slice your favorite fruit if needed. Drizzle peanut butter and a small amount of honey on the sliced fruit, or seasonal berries. Top with granola.

Why does my stomach hurt after eating granola? ›

Wheat foods

People with IBS may experience diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and other stomach problems from wheat-based foods, even if they don't have celiac disease. This includes foods like cereal, grains, pasta, bread, baked goods, crackers, and granola.

Is granola or oatmeal healthier? ›

Both oatmeal and granola make for a healthy, nutritious breakfast, but the winner for us is granola—the added nuts, seeds, and dried fruits give you a source of fiber and healthy fats that oatmeal can't quite compete with.

What ingredient makes granola clump together? ›

Clumpy Granola Method: Add Egg White

About this method: According to Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen, “Nothing glues like protein.” While there are many granola recipes that include an egg white, I got this tip from the Big Cluster Maple Granola recipe in The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook.

Why does my granola taste fishy? ›

The oxidation products have strong rancid off-flavors including the typical “fishy note”, and the oxidized oil has a reduced nutritional value.

How do you keep homemade granola crispy? ›

Whether it's homemade or store-bought, properly storing granola will help extend the shelf life and maintain crunchiness. Store granola in an airtight container or tightly sealed zip-top bag in a dry, dark place away from heat.

Is it OK to eat granola every day? ›

Yes, granola can be eaten daily. As part of a balanced diet and if the portions are checked. Go for healthier options with less added sugars and saturated fats to get the most out of it.

How many days does homemade granola last? ›

When stored properly at room temperature, fresh homemade granola can last for up to four weeks. Preserve its quality by letting it cool completely before storing. Packing it while it's warm leads to condensation and, consequently, unnecessary moisture.

What is the healthiest way to eat granola? ›

Granola with milk or yogurt is a great option for a healthier sweet treat at the end of the day, but you can also use it to top ice cream, milkshakes or homemade sweets.

Is granola better with milk or yogurt? ›

Yogurt and granola can be genuinely healthy, depending on the yogurt and granola you use. There are better and unhealthy forms of the two fixings. The best blend is Greek yogurt with granola, which is high in protein and fiber.

What pairs well with granola? ›

So whether you are giving granola this year, or you got some, we've got some ideas for you!
  • Mixed it with yogurt. ...
  • Use as a topping for a baked apple!
  • Add to muffins.
  • Bake it in bread.
  • Make granola bars! ...
  • Roll bananas in granola and freeze.
  • Top a salad with it.
  • Toss it with oatmeal for a crunchy twist.
May 12, 2021

Is granola an inflammatory food? ›

"Granolas and granola bars that are high in added sugar from sources such as corn syrup, chocolate chips, and cane sugar can contribute to inflammation. In addition to sugar, processed oils such as soybean and canola oil are commonly found in granola and granola bars, and can contribute to inflammation."

Is granola hard on the stomach? ›

There are several reasons why granola can cause gas and bloating. Firstly, many brands contain high amounts of fiber, which can be difficult to digest for some people. The nuts and seeds in granola can also be difficult to digest and may produce gas as they break down in the digestive tract.

Is granola a healthy meal? ›

Healthy granola contains whole grains such as oats and barley, nuts, and very little added sugar and fat. Eaten in moderation, this calorie-dense food can help fill you up, provide energy, and have a positive impact on several important metabolic health indicators (blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight).

What was granola invented for? ›

Granola was invented by an upstate New York doctor as a health food. Then called Granula, it was the first manufactured cold breakfast cereal in the world. The idea and name were purloined by Dr. John Kellogg, who, under threat of lawsuit, changed the name of his product to Granola.

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