SWOT Analysis of Google: Strengths & Weaknesses 2021 | Swot Analysis Template (2024)

NameAlphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG)
IndustryInternet software and services
HeadofficeMountain View, California, US
CEOSundar Pichai
Revenues$182.5 Billion, 2020; $ 161.8 Billion, 2019; $136.8 Billion, 2018.
Net Income$40.2 Billion, 2020; $ 34.3 Billion, 2019; $30.7 Billion, 2018.
CompetitorsBing, Yahoo, Microsoft, Baidu (China), Amazon, Apple, Facebook

Company Overview:

In 1988, Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google in California. In 2015, Google’s restructuring created Alphabet, a technology conglomerate and Google became its subsidiary. Google internet-related service portfolio includes three segments that are; (1) Google services (search engine, Chrome, Android, Google Play, Google Maps, and Youtube), (2) Google cloud (infrastructure and Google workplace), and (3) other Bets (combination of multiple segments) (Google, 2021). Google’s brand value is $191 Billion (Statista, 2021). It is ranked Google 3rd in 25 most valuable brands worldwide and 3rd in Global 500 (SyncForce).

Table of Contents

Google Strengths 2021:

  • Powerful Google ecosystem.

    Collins (2021) appraised that Google has developed a powerful products and services ecosystem that integrates all products and services, as shown in the diagram below. Many of Google products and services are complementary and interdependent to each other to sustain competitiveness. For example, Google Chrome (market share of 65%) directs customers to company bundle services (Jaffrey, 2021).

  • Persistent products and services innovation.

    Google has a strong culture for new product development and market introduction to proliferation customer choices. For instance, Google developed ‘AlphaFold’ for the protein folding problem, which solved 50 years of issues in biology. Likewise, the company has developed Verily’s for COVID-19 Testing automation of frontline support and Waymo for the autonomous vehicle segment (Alphabet, 2021).

  • Diversified revenues segments.

    In 2020, Google generates a total of $182.5 Billion revenues through multiple segments, including search engine ($104 Billion), Youtube Ads ($19.7 Billion), Google member services ($23 Billion), Google others ($21.7 Billion) and Google Cloud ($13 Billion)

  • Android — mobile market leadership.

    Dautovic (2021) discussed that the Android mobile system had made smartphones a global phenomenon. Samsung, Vivo, Lenovo utilise the Google operating system and OPPS, significant players in the mobile devices market. Google’s market share is 72% compared to the Apple market share of 29%. There are no other significant competitors, as shown in the diagram below.

  • Domination in search engine market.

    Google dominates in search engine market with 87% of online search volume. Google processes 40K search queries per second and 3.5 Billion searches per day. By comparison, Bing has a small share of 6.80%, and yahoo share is 2.75% (Proceed Innovative, 2021).

Google Weaknesses 2021:

  • Revenues concentration in the U.S.

    Nearly half of Google’s total revenues are generated in the U.S. The global revenues share was 47% from the U.S. ($85 Billion), 30% ($55 Billion) from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), 18% ($32 Billion) from Asia-Pacific (APAC), and merely 5% ($0.95 Billion) from other America.

  • Failure in the social media landscape.

    Google entered the social media market with Google+ and Shoelace to compete against social media giants such as Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter. Shah (2021) highlighted that the company had been unsuccessful, forcing them to shut down the platforms altogether.

  • Chrome security risks.

    According to Forbes (2021), Google chrome has persistent security issues and software experiences vulnerabilities and the hacker can exploit the program. In 2021, Google issued multiple upgrades warning in two months to tackle security threats discovered in chrome.

  • Reliance on advertising revenues.

    Since 2017, Google has generated more than 80% of its revenues from online advertising. Advertising is competitive and cyclical depends on macroeconomic factors. For example, the revenues from Travel ads in the U.S. dropped 6% during the Covid-19 lockdowns (Next Media, 2021).

  • Non-profitable segments.

    Google service is the only profitable segment with $43 Billion in profits in 2018, which increased to $48.9 Billion in 2019 and $54.4 Billion in 2020. However, the Google cloud and Other Bets are at losses and yet to make a profit. In 2020, the loss for Google cloud was $5.6 billion, and Other Bets loss was $4.4 Billion, reducing the company’s overall profitability.

Google Opportunities 2021:

  • Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G.

    Sinha (2021) estimates that globally there will be 27 Billion IoT devices by 2025, creating a massive network of interconnected devices. As shown in the diagram below, Google has an opportunity in the IoT market from home devices, fleet management, traffic safety, intelligent grids industries, and many other industries. Google can develop products to support IoT for security, safety and decision-making for personal and business contexts (Forbes, 2021).

  • Cyber security market.

    Hill & Swinhoe (2021)pointed out that the significant cyber security attacks on Yahoo, Equifax, ACER, Marriott Hotel, Microsoft and Facebook highlight the opportunity to expand cyber security. For Google, the cyber security landscape includes systems and applications for protection against phishing, malware and ransomware attacks.

  • Quantum computing.

    Quince (2021) estimates that the global quantum computing market will be $37 Billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 25.40%. For Google, the quantum computing opportunity includes developing applications in fraud detection, pandemic management, high-frequency trade management, banking and finance, and credit management.

Google Threats 2021:

  • Board mobile devices landscape.

    Kamau (2021) stated thatpeople use different devices and software such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, gaming consoles, smart devices, automobiles to access the internet. In such context, Google products have less popularity and compatibility on some interfaces. For example, iOS and Huawei have their ecosystem and Google products have limited functionality.

  • Low-quality content and black-hat SEO.

    The content on the Google platform has risks such as content farms, spam and low quality. The violation of community guidelines and terms affect Google product reputation. For example, bad actors host fake websites and product pages to fraudulently generate revenues, marketed through Google, otherwise without traffic (Ghosh, 2021). Google also faces the challenges of black-hat SEO processes in which a large quantity of low-quality content is used to improve search engine ranking.

  • Antitrust and Lawsuits.

    Nylen (2021) appraised that Google constantly faces antitrust lawsuit challenges that affect the company’s operations and reputation. For example, in October 2020, 36 U.S. states and the U.S. Department of Justice filed an antitrust complaint against Google in Texas, alleging the company has deceptive trade practices in advertising technology. Richter (2021) stated that European Commission had imposed massive fines on Google for antitrust violations, as shown in the diagram below.

  • Regional search engines leadership.

    Newton (2021) analysed that some regional search engines such as Yandex, Baidu and Excite (local market leaders in Russia, China and Japan) poses threats for Google. With a large user base and the increasing influence of these countries in the global political and economic landscape, Google needs to manage the search market efficiently.

  • Regulatory pressure.

    According to Fortune (2021), Google faces probes from the U.S. federal law agency, Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigation. Joe Biden administration has appointed ‘Tim Wu’ as National Economic Assistant, a critic of Big Tech firms like Google. Australian antitrust watchdog has joined regulators to curb Google power because it hurts the market for advertisers, publishers and consumers (Reuters, 2021).

SWOT Analysis ofGoogle Conclusion:

Google’s strengths include a solid financial position, robust ecosystem, and search engine market leadership. The challenges are overdependence on advertising revenues, non-profitable business segments, low-quality content, and a broad device landscape. Nonetheless, Google has extensive resources and dynamic capabilities to overcome business challenges and exploit new business opportunities for greater success in the internet-related services industry.

  • You can find blank SWOT Templates here
  • If you need assistance with your project, here are our done for you services


  1. Alphabet (2021). Annual Report.
  2. Collins, Katie (2021). Apple and Google mobile ecosystem dominance under scrutiny by UK antitrust regulator.
  3. Dautovic, G (2021). Android Market Share: The Fight for Mobile Leadership.
  4. Forbes (2021). Google Confirms Chrome’s 12th & 13th Zero-Day Hacks In 2021.
  5. Forbes (2021). IoT For 5G Could Be Next Opportunity.
  6. Fortune (2021). Google’s ad business faces heat as DOJ extends Trump-era probe.
  7. Ghosh, Shreoshe (2021). Go From Low Quality To High On Google’s Ranking Order.
  8. Google (2021). About Google.
  9. GOV.UK (2021). Ecosystems of Google and Facebook.
  10. Hill, Michael and Dan Swinhoe (2021). The 15 biggest data breaches of the 21st century.
  11. Jaffrey, Duncan (2021). Just where is Google’s ecosystem up to?
  12. Kamau, Daniel (2021). Types of Mobile Computer Devices.
  13. Newton, Erik (2021). International Search Engines You Should Optimize For. 2021. 2021.
  14. Next Media (2021). Google’s Reliance On Travel Ads Dents US Ad Revenue.
  15. Nylen, Leah (2021). 36 states, D.C. sue Google for alleged antitrust violations in its Android app store.
  16. Proceed Innovative (2021) . Google Dominates Worldwide Search Engine Market Share.
  17. Quince (2021). Global Quantum Computing Market Size to Grow at a CAGR of 25.40% from 2021 to 2030.
  18. Reuters (2021). Antitrust — Google dominance Australia Online Advertising.
  19. Richter, Felix (2021). Google Hit With Another Antitrust Fine in Europe.
  20. Shah, Sumeert (2021). Why did Google Plus Fail?
  21. Sinha, Satyajit (2021). State of IoT 2021: Number of connected IoT devices growing 9% to 12.3 billion globally, cellular IoT now surpassing 2 billion.
  22. Statista (2021). 25 Most Valuable Brand. 2021. 2021.
  23. Statista (2021). Mobile operaating systems market share . 2021. 2021.
  24. SyncForce (2021). Google — Rankings per brand.
SWOT Analysis of Google: Strengths & Weaknesses 2021 | Swot Analysis Template (2024)


Is there a SWOT template in Google Docs? ›

Google Docs helps you create SWOT analysis templates for your business from scratch.

What are strengths and weaknesses SWOT? ›

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to your company—things that you have some control over and can change. Examples include who is on your team, your patents and intellectual property, and your location.

Does Word have a SWOT analysis template? ›

Although Microsoft Word is not primarily a diagramming tool, it can be used to create SWOT diagrams. These are text-based charts, so building a SWOT analysis template in Word is easy. There are advantages and disadvantages of using Word for SWOT analysis.

How do I find templates in Google Docs? ›

On your computer, go to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Forms. At the top right , click Template Gallery. Click the template you want to use. A copy of the template opens.

How do you create a SWOT analysis table in Word? ›

How to create a SWOT analysis in Word
  1. Open Word and create a new document. Open the Microsoft Word application on your computer. ...
  2. Insert a table. ...
  3. Design your chart. ...
  4. Label your quadrants with headings. ...
  5. Enter your SWOT text. ...
  6. Save your SWOT chart. ...
  7. Share your SWOT chart.
8 Apr 2022

Can you do a SWOT analysis on yourself? ›

If you look at yourself using the SWOT framework, you can start to separate yourself from your peers, and further develop the specialized talents and abilities you need to advance your career and help you achieve your personal goals .

How do you do a SWOT analysis PDF? ›

  1. Step 1 – In the here and now… List all strengths that exist now. Then in turn, list all weaknesses that exist now. ...
  2. Step 2 – What might be… List all opportunities that exist in the future. ...
  3. Step 3 – Plan of action… Review your SWOT matrix with a view to creating an action plan to address each of the four areas.

What are strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats? ›

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a method for identifying and analyzing internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats that shape current and future operations and help develop strategic goals. SWOT analyses are not limited to companies.

How do I do a SWOT analysis in Excel? ›

How to Make SWOT Analysis in Excel (with BEST Prompting Questions)

What is SWOT PDF? ›

A SWOT analysis evaluates the internal strengths and weaknesses, and the external opportunities and threats in an organization's environment.

What is SWOT analysis PPT? ›

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning technique used to evaluate the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of any business or organization or a product or a process or a methodology.

Does Google have free templates? ›

Thousands of free and premium templates to jump start your project. Download useful templates such as calendars, business cards, letters, cards, brochures, newsletters, resumes, and more. Thousands of free and premium templates to jump start your project.

What happened to Google templates? ›

According to education tech website Control Alt Achieve, Google is switching to a new collection of publicly available templates because it wants to “add features that have been missing” from its old selection of templates. That includes the ability to “add your own custom templates for your domain.”

How do I get more Google templates? ›

From the Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, or Sites home screen, at the top, select one of the featured templates. Click Template gallery to see additional templates. Note: If you can't find Template gallery, go to Display or hide Template gallery.

What is a SWOT analysis and why is it important? ›

SWOT Analysis helps you to identify your organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It guides you to build on what you do well, address what you're lacking, seize new openings, and minimize risks. Apply a SWOT Analysis to assess your organization's position before you decide on any new strategy.

What is a SWOT quadrant? ›

SWOT analysis definition and examples

Each quadrant has an outline of the subject's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Any business has strengths and weaknesses, but no organization exists in a vacuum--you must also analyze the opportunities and threats that abound in the marketplace.

What are your threats examples answers? ›

Examples of threats: a. Competition for the job I want.
It should also highlight your strengths.
  • Strengths: Positives you can capitalise on, these should be your 'key selling points. ...
  • Weaknesses: Negative areas you need to improve on. ...
  • Opportunities: Positive external conditions you can take advantage of.
8 Sept 2006

What is your strength best answer? ›

You can say that your greatest strength is: Creativity. Originality. Open-mindedness.

What are 4 examples of opportunities? ›

What are some examples of opportunities?
  • Get help on projects.
  • Propose working groups.
  • Get testers for new ideas or products.
  • Create a team to work on an idea you have.
  • Share your expertise or best practices in a particular field.

What are examples of opportunities in SWOT analysis? ›

Examples of opportunities for a SWOT analysis might include training, internships, or career moves. Opportunity examples for businesses include market growth, new technologies, or new investments.

What should I write for strengths and weaknesses? ›

They demonstrate that you are confident of this strength and that you will use it to succeed in this specific role.
  • Collaborative. I am very collaborative. ...
  • Technical know-how. ...
  • Detail-oriented. ...
  • Positive attitude. ...
  • Solving problems. ...
  • Self-criticism. ...
  • Fear of public speaking. ...
  • Procrastination.
16 Aug 2022

What are 3 examples of weaknesses? ›

Examples of Weaknesses.
  • Self-criticism.
  • Shyness.
  • Lack of knowledge of particular software.
  • Public speaking.
  • Taking criticism.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Inability to delegate.
  • Lack of confidence.

What is your weakness best answer? ›

Answer “what is your greatest weakness” by choosing a skill that is not essential to the job you're applying to and by stressing exactly how you're practically addressing your weakness. Some skills that you can use as weaknesses include impatience, multitasking, self-criticism, and procrastination.

What are the examples of strengths? ›

Some examples of strengths you might mention include:
  • Enthusiasm.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Creativity.
  • Discipline.
  • Patience.
  • Respectfulness.
  • Determination.
  • Dedication.

What is an example of a strength in a business? ›

Some examples of strengths include: Strong employee attitudes. Excellent customer service. Large market share.

How do you write a weakness in a SWOT analysis? ›

In a SWOT Analysis, weaknesses are written in the top right quadrant. They highlight the internal weaknesses that you or your organization need to address to meet your goals. Examples of weaknesses for a SWOT analysis might include lack of motivation, lack of a clear vision, or poor time management skills.

How do you convert weaknesses to strengths in SWOT analysis? ›

Photos courtesy of the individual members.
  1. Start By Understanding Them.
  2. Treat Them Like A To-Do List.
  3. Partner With Complementary People.
  4. Have A Plan And Make Time To Learn.
  5. Request Feedback From Your Team.
  6. Lean On Your Mentors.
  7. Ask Questions When You Need Help.
  8. Develop Your Weaknesses One At A Time.
7 Apr 2021

How do you create a SWOT analysis in PowerPoint? ›

Open your PowerPoint presentation, go to your Add-Ins and select Lucidchart within the Insert tab. Select your SWOT analysis diagram from your documents to insert into PowerPoint. Open this SWOT analysis chart template in Lucidchart or open up a blank document.

What is a SWOT analysis in business? ›

A SWOT analysis is a planning tool which seeks to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats involved in a project or organisation. It's a framework for matching an organisation's goals, programmes and capacities to the environment in which it operates.

Which company is best for SWOT analysis? ›

The following are some top companies' SWOT analyses: Amazon SWOT Analysis and Company Analysis. Apple SWOT Analysis and Company Analysis. Dell SWOT Analysis and Company Analysis.

What is a SWOT analysis paper? ›

Essentially, a SWOT analysis is a comparative list of all your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. There's more power in this process than you might think. You may be only hazily aware of your own strengths and weaknesses.

What is SWOT analysis assignment? ›

What is a SWOT analysis? A technique that enables organizations or individuals to move from everyday problems and traditional strategies to a fresh perspective. A SWOT analysis looks at your strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats business faces.

How do you convert weaknesses to strengths in Powerpoint? ›

How to remove weakness 1) First Step: Examine your weakness. 2) Second Step: Figure out your Strength. 3) Third Step: How to turn weakness into strength.

When would you use a SWOT analysis? ›

A SWOT analysis is a useful tool for brainstorming and strategic planning. You'll get more value from a SWOT analysis if you conduct it with a specific objective or question in mind. For example, you can use a SWOT analysis to help you decide if and how you should: take advantage of a new business opportunity.

Why SWOT analysis is important in an organization? ›

A SWOT analysis helps organizations get visibility on their current status, letting them understand and measure overall business performance. It lets a business analyze its strength, which in turn can help them better penetrate the market to meet business targets.

What are 4 examples of opportunities? ›

What are some examples of opportunities?
  • Get help on projects.
  • Propose working groups.
  • Get testers for new ideas or products.
  • Create a team to work on an idea you have.
  • Share your expertise or best practices in a particular field.

What are examples of opportunities in SWOT? ›

Opportunities. Opportunities refer to favorable external factors that could give an organization a competitive advantage. For example, if a country cuts tariffs, a car manufacturer can export its cars into a new market, increasing sales and market share.

How do you do a SWOT analysis for a group? ›

The process is relatively simple and involves the following steps:
  1. Select a SWOT Facilitator. ...
  2. Brainstorm a Company or Unit's Strengths. ...
  3. Consolidate. ...
  4. Clarify. ...
  5. Identify the Top Three Strengths. ...
  6. Summarize Strengths. ...
  7. Repeat for Weaknesses. ...
  8. Repeat for Opportunities.
13 Nov 2019

How do you write a threat in a SWOT analysis? ›

In a SWOT Analysis, threats are written in the bottom right quadrant. They highlight the external threats that you or your organization need to address to meet your goals. Examples of threats for a personal SWOT analysis might include increased competition, lack of support, or language barriers.

What is the most difficult part of the SWOT analysis? ›

Opportunities – This tends to be the most difficult part. It is easier for some startups as it was an opportunity that caused them to start. But for a going concern, this can be a challenge.

What are your threats examples answers? ›

Examples of threats: a. Competition for the job I want.
It should also highlight your strengths.
  • Strengths: Positives you can capitalise on, these should be your 'key selling points. ...
  • Weaknesses: Negative areas you need to improve on. ...
  • Opportunities: Positive external conditions you can take advantage of.
8 Sept 2006

What are 4 examples of threats? ›

The following are examples of threats that might be used in risk identification or swot analysis.
  • Competition. The potential actions of a competitor are the most common type of threat in a business context. ...
  • Talent. Loss of talent or an inability to recruit talent. ...
  • Market Entry. ...
  • Prices. ...
  • Costs. ...
  • Approvals. ...
  • Supply. ...
  • Weather.
10 Oct 2018

What can be my threats? ›

Threats - Threats that you face from the current market conditions, internal departments, technical challenges, etc...
  • Company changes and market changes.
  • World changes.
  • New technologies or skills on your job.

What are 3 examples of weaknesses? ›

Examples of Weaknesses.
  • Self-criticism.
  • Shyness.
  • Lack of knowledge of particular software.
  • Public speaking.
  • Taking criticism.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Inability to delegate.
  • Lack of confidence.

What is SWOT analysis explain with example? ›

A SWOT analysis is a compilation of your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The primary objective of a SWOT analysis is to help organizations develop a full awareness of all the factors involved in making a business decision.

What are examples of weaknesses in SWOT? ›

Examples of weaknesses for a SWOT analysis might include lack of motivation, lack of a clear vision, or poor time management skills.

What is SWOT analysis Important explain in 3 5 sentences? ›

SWOT Analysis helps you to identify your organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It guides you to build on what you do well, address what you're lacking, seize new openings, and minimize risks. Apply a SWOT Analysis to assess your organization's position before you decide on any new strategy.

How do you write a SWOT analysis for a startup? ›

How to Use a SWOT Analysis as a Startup
  1. Strengths → Opportunities. You can capitalize on opportunities by utilizing your strengths.
  2. Strengths → Threats. Play off your strengths to reduce the risk of threats.
  3. Weaknesses → Opportunities. Seek out opportunities to improve and overcome your weaknesses.
  4. Weaknesses → Threats.
5 Nov 2019

How long should a SWOT analysis take? ›

How long will it take? You can do a simple SWOT analysis easily in sixty minutes. There are many different ways to conduct a SWOT analysis; a large corporation will do this very differently than a small non-profit.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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